In 2007, Lester founded The NEVER STOP Foundation, which is dedicated to using athletics as a tool to encourage all youth to have the chance to achieve their full potential.

The goal is to help those in their formative years find their own true voice, help them build their confidence, improve their communication skills and learn the values of discipline, trust, compassion, self-reliance, and respect.

Lester has dedicated his life to motivate and move others to reach for new heights.

Lester uses the forum of sports to inspire and motivate others, worldwide. His vision is to use his involvement in sports and passion for racing, as a platform in which to share his message of hope with all youth.



The NSF believes sports and the arts help to create a blueprint for life. We believe all youth will flourish with a foundation that teaches and reinforces the following values and beliefs:

Discipline–Success is an outcome of hard work
Structure–Reaching goals takes strategy
Giving Back–Every person has a unique gift or skill that they can use to make the world a better place
Strength of Character–Losing can be the key to winning
Teamwork–It takes a team to WIN!
Self Reliance–The journey to achieving one’s potential is every child’s own EPIC adventure